Posts tagged: gymnastiek

Hagakure-teaching-1 at karate school ki for traditional Shotokan karate-do in Amsterdam Center and Monnickendam

HAGAKURE ‘Hidden among the leaves’ 1

HAGAKURE: There is Always Room for Improvement I have heard that a certain master swordsman, having reached old age, made the following statement: Lifetime training “A samurai’s training lasts a lifetime, and there is a proper order to it. At the lowest level of training, even though you practice, you do not seem to improve,…

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ki = karateschool voor traditioneel Shotokan te Amsterdam en Monnickendam sinds 1994 - wachter of the Tōdai Temple

Martialarts mascottes

The Four Guardians Martialarts Mascottes: The Four Guardians 👹👹👹👹 of the Tōdai Temple, Nara, Japan. Statue in dry clay. ‘Dit is Komoku-ten, the guardian of the west, symbolizes the un of A-un. His expression is that of the spirit of power in reverse.’ (Karate-Do Kyohan, Gichin Funakoshi, blz 246) The Cosmic Dance A & UN:…

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